Sunday, 19 September 2010

The (not so) "wild life" at the island...

We saw countless numbers of Monitor Lizards at the island, some small (about 1 m) and some big as crocodiles! They were everywhere, we even had one living under our bungalow...

Cuddly cats were also everywhere on the island...

The big hungry lizard under our bungalow was looking for food. The locals sometimes feed them with chicken so they won't eat their cats...

This cat was not so observant about what was lurking around in the bushes, having a siesta like us humans...

Our "house lizard", at this point full, fat and lazy...We're scared to think about what's in its stomach...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hej vänner!

jätte kul o se era bilder! Speciellt de senaste bilderna! Jag tror helt klart på som ni säger att Perhentian Island kan vara ett perfekt HM alternativ! Vi får se helt enkelt! Njut nu extra mycket innan ni landar i Australien, har hört att gruvorna där söker starka vigilanta skandinavier som arbetskraft!

Sandra, du ser ut som en modell i bilden när du står i vattnet :-) Ingen ölmage där inte :-) haha!!

Kram så länge från ett allt höstigare Sverige!!

// Pontus